There are 5 usernames for Vida, they are for the different regions or “Partner Groups”…. PG for short. Except Admin.. Admin has no PG.
- “Admin” – Try not to use this
- “1” – For the international al Markets (Such as middle east and Japan)
- “2” – For the Americas
- “3” – Northern Europe (Scandinavian countries really)
- “4” – Europe
OK, so why does it matter ? And what’s wrong with Admin ?
Vin decoding.
The trigger for this article is right now a guy is asking why his UK vin isnt showing the Gearbox type…..his vin works correctly on my Vida logged in with “4”. So I logged back in with Admin and as expected….vin decoding is not working correctly for his vin on the PG..well its not a PG, its the admin account.
But it goes further than that. Vida tailors itself your your logged in partner group. I.e. the parts catalogue changes depending on your logged in PG and various other aspects such as which models and engines are avaialbe to choose.
Also some models, engine and gearboxes combinations do not show in certain PG on the vehicle profile page. So sometimes you might actually want to use a different PG lol.
The admin login is is no partner group, and rather than that just giving you EVERYTHING it gives, Well I dont really know what tbh but it certainly seems to give poor decoding than any other PG.
So bear in mind, that the PG has an impact on Vida. Its not just for fun.
Ola, estou com um pouco de dificuldade para comunicar o cabo Mongoose J2534 ao software vida, recentemente comprei da China o cabo com um software para land rover e o vendedor me garantiu que serviria para Volvo Vida, minha duvida e se preciso baixar alguma atualizacao ou software diretamente no cabo mongoose J2534. Estou no Brasil. regiao 2. meu veiculo e um S60 2.0 2004.