Clearing VIN list in VIDA 2014D

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Occasionally people ask how to clear the list of previous VINs in VIDA 2014D. its pretty easy but you do have to re-patch VIDA afterwards.

Here is How…

  1. Go into “My computer” or “computer” or “This PC”
  2. Go to c:
  3. Go to VIDA, then DB, then DBUTILS
  4. You will see a file in there called “clearDatabase”
  5. Double click the file, then press any key when prompted, then again When prompted
  6. Now Re-patch
  7. Done 🙂


  1. I’ve created the following 2 files and put them in the c:\VIDA folder. Double clicking on the .bat file runs the sql file and clears the VIN and I’ve not had to re-patch.

    osql -S (local)\VIDA -U sa -P GunnarS3g3 -i clearVINS.sql

    USE AccessServer
    delete from recentVINs

    Hope this helps

    1. Hi, maybe a bit of “hijacking” this thread.
      But regarding the clearVIN.bat file
      Is this your username for vida
      -> ” GunnarS3g3 ” ?
      Cause mine is just a “1”

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