Where can I Buy “Volvo Vida DiCE 2014d”

I see this question a lot, and It frustrates me.

It’s like a Japanese T-shit with random English words on it. it’s just a nonsense phrase.

But an understandable one, everyone starts out knowing nothing. No one is born with a built in knowledge of Volvo’s and their confusing terminology. So lets brake it down.


A Swedish (Chinese lol) Car company


VIDA is an abbreviation of “Vehicle information & Diagnostics for Aftersales”, This is software. This is the program you install on your laptop that you will use to talk to your car.


DiCE is an abbreviation of “Diagnostic Communication Equipment”. This is the cable that will connect your car to your laptop so VIDA can talk to the car. Genuine DiCE from Volvo are no longer in production. The little remaining stocks around the world have insane price tags and genuine DiCE are just about as unreliable as the Chinese clones, which is pretty unreliable. For most people there is no good reason to get a DiCE clone. A Super j2534 is faster, more reliable and more convenient. Don’t get a DiCE clone unless you ABSOLUTLEY NEED TOO! (P80 platform cars for instance, need a DiCE Clone, the 1999 era V40 / S40 need a DiCE ).

There are loads of fake DiCE that look like DiCE clones, but have other stuff inside. You can read about it here and here , don’t get one of those.


That’s the version number of the particular release of VIDA. I think the first ever version was 2010, then they released updates every quarter so you would have for instance, Vida 2012A, B, C, D.

The last official release of “offline” VIDA the version that most home enthusiast use is 2014d. Anything else is a fake. 2015A – A fake release of Vida2014D hacked up to look newer. It has no greater Vin support than Vida 2014d. Confusingly Vida2014D was replaced with an online subscription based version of Vida which is still referred to by Volvo as Vida 2015.

VIDA doesn’t have to use DiCE, in theory VIDA supports any SAE J2534-2 passthrough cable.

DiCE doesn’t have to use VIDA, DiCE can be use with Various programs like VDASH, P3tool, and various mapping / Flashing programs, and in theory any program that support SAE j2534-2 pass through

So when someone says…. Where can I Buy “Volvo Vida DiCE 2014d”, i think what are you actually trying to buy? do you just need Vida? Because you can download that with a quick google. Do you just need a cable (and probably a DiCE is not the best choice) ?

Anyway…if you want a quality full chip actually working and tested DiCE clone or Super j2534 (SuperJ2534 is the best choice for most people) hit up the sales page over here

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